Make your emotions come alive!

speakersQuebec, Training, Motivation and Team Building - Formax - Experience the emotions!

Je ne sais pas ce qui se passe ces temps-ci, mais plusieurs clients me demandent des conférences qui parlent « d’émotions ».

Yet the business world is often perceived as cold, calculating and devoid of emotion. At least, that is often the first impression we get. Well, it's not. Think again, it's not true. In business, as in life, emotions, positive ones of course, are everywhere and above all, they are necessary.

What would a film, a show, a conference or a meeting with friends be without emotions? A pure waste of time.

It is the same in the business world. Whether it is the boss with his employees, co-workers with each other, the company with its suppliers and, even more so, employees with customers, the positive emotions felt by the other, during a meeting or an exchange of some kind, are the cement of all good business relationships.

Make you feel something

Évidemment, lorsqu’on parle d’émotions, on parle de « faire ressentir » quelque chose de positif à notre interlocuteur. L’inverse peut aussi arriver, ce sera alors la fin de la relation d’affaires ou, à tout le moins, elle sera sérieusement amochée.

Let's get back to positive emotions and their impact on others. Without pretense. I had fun putting together a small repertoire of ways to make others feel positive emotions and their effect on them. Nothing complicated about this list. Simple things often have a much better effect.

  • The smile. It is a sign of acceptance of the other person and relaxes the atmosphere.
  • The look. It shows consideration and importance to the person who is the object of it.
  • L’empathie. Elle démontre le « je m’intéresse à vous » et rapproche les gens ensemble.
  • Listening. It has the same effect as looking and allows for confidence.
  • The handshake. It welcomes and demonstrates commitment.
  • The explanation of something. It shows professionalism and reassures the other person.
  • The hand on the shoulder or forearm. It shows empathy and consideration. However, these gestures should not be overdone.
  • Make a joke. Makes you laugh and starts a certain collegiality, even complicity.
  • Démontrer que vous êtes du même avis. Ça donne de l’importance et fait « baisser la garde » de l’autre.
  • Sympathise. It expresses compassion and consideration and brings parties together.
  • A follow-up on any request. It shows great professionalism and improves the relationship between individuals.
  • Thanks or congratulations. Values the other person and inflates their ego.
  • Sincere compliments. It opens the doors of his heart.
  • Generosity. Connects people forever.

And the list could go on and on.

Of course, one could also make a reverse list and explain which negative emotions, resulting from certain actions or attitudes, are emitted by many, but that's not my style 😉

Life in society is a wonderful thing. It allows us to get to know ourselves better by being with others and to connect with them. Everyone benefits from living in society. Let's take advantage of each of these moments together to make others feel positive emotions.

Have a good time!

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