Engage your employees: Our best teamwork conferences for companies

Conférenciers Québec, Formation, Motivation et Team Building - Formax - Engage your employees: Our best team building conferences for companies

The most successful projects are often those carried out by well-coordinated, dynamic teams. That's why, in an environment where projects are increasingly complex and companies more and more focused on results, teamwork is becoming essential to a company's success.

Whether it's through effective communication between team members or a clear division of tasks and roles, teamwork makes it easier to adapt to the unexpected. By encouraging teamwork, companies can not only create a positive and motivating working atmosphere, but also foster knowledge sharing, creativity, innovation and problem-solving, which can help stimulate business growth and success.

However, teamwork can sometimes present challenges, such as managing conflict, coordinating team members, finding compromise solutions and making group decisions. So how can we boost team members' commitment and encourage them to work as a group?

Conferences and training courses on teamwork, a good way to get your employees involved.

Teamwork conferences and training courses provide an opportunity to develop everyone's skills while encouraging a positive, collaborative work culture.

Here are 12 conferences presented by business people, athletes and public or media personalities with many years of experience, recognized for their leadership skills and their ability to create strong team synergy and high-performance employees.

Here they are:

Patrice Bernier est devenu capitaine de l’Impact de Montréal en 2014 grâce à son leadership calme et sa détermination. Il est connu pour être humain, rassembleur et bon communicateur. Patrice est la preuve vivante qu’être un bon joueur d’équipe peut nous aider à atteindre nos objectifs professionnels et réussir dans notre carrière. Dans sa conférence « Maître de son destin », il parle de son parcours professionnel dans le monde du soccer et souligne l’importance du travail d’équipe pour réussir.

Selon Denis Bouchard, comédien, créateur, metteur en scène et entrepreneur, nul ne peut réussir seul et peu importe le domaine, le concept « d’équipe » doit être entretenu et valorisé. Dans sa conférence « Orchestrer le travail d’équipe », il aborde les sujets suivants : comment gérer le stress et s’adapter aux changements liés au travail d’équipe, comment créer une symbiose d’équipe avec des gens qui se connaissent peu, comment gérer des gros égos pour le bénéfice de l’œuvre, comment amener toute l’équipe à travailler vers un objectif commun, et comment faire en sorte que tout le monde ait un rôle important au sein de l’équipe. Comme il le dit souvent lui-même : un succès ou un flop c’est le même travail alors arrangeons-nous pour faire des succès!

Speaker, motivator and professional trainer, Guy Bourgeois has over 35 years' experience in business and team management. In his lecture "Le pouvoir de l'équipe", he explains the benefits of working towards a common goal and provides tools to get everyone working in the same direction. He covers topics such as belonging, pride, interpersonal communication, team spirit, skills, self-acceptance and acceptance of others. For him, it's impossible to succeed alone as much as in a team, and it's by fostering teamwork that companies will reach their full potential.

In the words of François William Croteauformer mayor of the Rosemont-La-Petite-Patrie borough, the triumph of an organization lies in its ability to galvanize each individual within it. In his lecture "Mobilisation d'équipe; Orchestrer le succès à l'ère de l'individualisme", François William discusses cutting-edge strategies for engaging teams in a world marked by singular needs and growing individualism. He discusses the quest for meaning for each employee and the motivational levers essential to achieving organizational excellence.

In his "Keep your eye on the ball and get going" lecture, ex-Olympian and former Los Angeles Dodgers and Montreal Expos prospect, Marc Griffinshares his unique experiences to highlight our attitude to challenges. Using examples from one of the most collaborative sports around, baseball, Marc emphasizes the importance of teamwork and encourages participants to believe in themselves and seize the moments that make the difference.

During his career as a professional field hockey coach, Bob Hartley led 7 teams to the highest honors in their respective leagues. His leadership is legendary, but his human side even more so. For Bob, the people around him are his career; his victories are nothing without them. In his lecture "Coaching: a question of human values!", Bob uses anecdotes from his career to demonstrate how active listening, constructive feedback and recognition can build team trust and loyalty.

With her lecture "Life lessons through sport", Charline Labonté addresses key concepts such as self-confidence, motivation and leadership, which are essential for effective teamwork. By sharing her personal experiences as a goalkeeper on the Women's National Hockey Team, she shows the importance of working hard, accepting your role, setting goals and continuing your education. These concepts can be applied to any field of interest, and are essential for a successful career as a team member.

Now a political analyst and consultant, Marc-André Leclerc has a unique background. He has represented his country in twenty open-water swimming marathons around the world, but it's by swimming in politics that he has demonstrated his talents as a mobilizer. As Chief of Staff to the Leader of the Official Opposition, one of the most prestigious positions for a political employee on the federal scene, he put together a winning team. In his lecture "Bien s'entourer pour gagner", Marc-André explains how we can perform at the highest level when we are well surrounded.

S’il y a un endroit où le travail d’équipe a une importance capitale, c’est bien dans une cuisine. Chef expérimenté, Louis-François Marcotte a compris avec le temps que la communication est essentielle pour améliorer le travail d’équipe. Il a ainsi développé des « codes de communication » qui favorisent une meilleure collaboration entre les membres de l’équipe. Avec sa conférence « La recette pour lier une équipe performante », il vous partage ses ingrédients secrets pour assurer une bonne cohésion d’équipe.

City Councillor from 2009 to 2013 and Mayor of the City of Gatineau from 2013 to 2021, Maxime Pedneaud-Jobin takes a different approach to teamwork. With his experience in the municipal sector, he knows that cities can no longer ignore citizens who want to contribute to the advancement of their community. In his "Citizen Participation" lecture, he answers questions such as "How can we mobilize citizens?" and "What are the benefits and risks for the state and companies of including citizens in their daily lives?" In his view, companies and cities alike can only benefit from including citizens or employees in their decision-making.

Teamwork holds no secrets for Alex Sereno. Co-founder of Café Barista and a top-level triathlon and swimming coach, he long ago grasped the importance of surrounding himself with the right people. In his talks, Alex Sereno recounts how he and his best friend built their brand from a table in a Valleyfield flea market in 2004 to become a leader in online coffee sales. He also makes the link between his career as a high-level coach and his role as an entrepreneur, and tells you how team effort is essential to achieving your goals.

Co-founder and mission leader of Mission 1000 Tonnes, Jimmy Vigneux has succeeded in rallying and mobilizing tens of thousands of people for change through his various projects. With his talk "Provoking change", he demonstrates how the success stories of Mission 1000 Tonnes and the development of the Hochelaga-Maisonneuve neighborhood, of which he was DG from 2015 to 2022, were made possible by strong leadership and an ability to rally people. In his view, for an idea to take hold, you have to provoke change.

Would you like to strengthen teamwork within your organization? Treat your employees to one of our conferences.

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