To flourish or to fade away?

I don't know if you've already noticed, but there is only one small letter difference between the two words in my title. And one little letter that changes the meaning completely. To blossom, to awaken, to grow, to feel positive, to be exalted, etc. And to fade away, to lose consciousness, to disappear, to fall asleep, to let go. This is not a small thing.

One little letter from nothing and everything changes. It's still incredible.

From experience, I've noticed that it's the same with many things in life. One small thing can completely change the course of your day, your week and even your life.

A mere fraction of a second separates the winner from the runner-up. Yet that split second will have a major impact on the life of the winner vs. the runner-up. Do you remember the first man to set foot on the moon? I'm sure you do. Do you remember the second? You know what I mean.

Last fall, a split second prevented me from hitting the moose that was about to cross the road in the dark. This means that if I had driven a quarter of a kilometre an hour faster, I probably wouldn't be writing this. A mere fraction of a second and a quarter of a kilometre an hour and my whole life, and that of my loved ones, would have changed.

I am sure you can describe similar events or circumstances in your own life. It's all about the small difference. Success and failure. Victory and defeat. Having the job or not having it. Health and illness. Winning the lottery or not winning. The perfect trip and the shitty trip. Life and death.

At the professional level, anyone who reaches the top will tell you that it is the extra effort, the extra call, the extra try, the extra study, the extra minute, the extra day, etc. that has made the difference between success and failure. In some cases, this small difference has changed their life and income.

So, the next time you feel like giving up on something, do that little extra thing that can change everything.

If you make it a habit, your life will flourish instead of fading away.

Good success!

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