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Defining and keeping your year-end resolutions; Guy Bourgeois’ advice
Home / Defining and keeping your year-end resolutions; Guy Bourgeois’ advice
Defining and keeping your year-end resolutions; Guy Bourgeois’ advice

Last update: December 6, 2022

The end of the year means resolutions, right?

Every year it’s the same thing. We make resolutions that we keep for a while, then we forget about them and move on.

But why? What makes us give up so quickly?

To give you the best tips for setting AND keeping your year-end resolutions, we turned to someone who (almost) always succeeds in following through on his resolutions: speaker and motivator Guy Bourgeois.

He dreamed of lecturing, so he went out on his own in 1992. He and Miriam dreamed of living on the waterfront, so they moved as soon as the opportunity arose. He wanted to lose 75 pounds and of course he achieved his goal.

So when we asked him what his secret was and to share his wise counsel, he replied:

“It’s simple! I don’t make resolutions, I make decisions.

“It’s simple! I don’t make resolutions, I make decisions.

Okay, but what does that mean in practice?

A question of mind

It all starts with your attitude to your resolutions. If you say to yourself “I MUST lose weight this year”, you are less likely to succeed than if you say “I WILL lose weight this year”.

Is it a dream or a mission? You decide!

Too much is like not enough

Our list of resolutions is sometimes long. Too long. It is better to focus on the few that matter most to us.

No targets, no results

“When you don’t know where you’re going, all roads lead nowhere” – Henry Kissinger

Give yourself specific goals: a quantity, a deadline, an amount of money. For example: I want to have visited this number of countries in X years.

Yes, but how?

Make a plan of action for yourself and, most importantly, put it into action immediately. How much effort will you need to make to achieve your goals? How long? The number of repetitions? How much will it cost?

For example: To run a marathon on such and such a date, I have to run X km, X times a week and I start tonight!

Nothing more official than on paper

Write everything down and consult your goals as often as necessary!

Better yet, share your resolutions with your loved ones so they can support you in your efforts!

So what decisions will you make for the coming year?

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