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Training on crisis management
Home / Trainings / Training on crisis management

Life is full of surprises. It is the same at work. To evolve, you need to be able to deal with the unexpected and turn a dramatic situation into an interesting opportunity. With their training, our specialists will help you manage your next crisis.

On this page you will find :

  • tous les détails concernant nos formations sur-mesure portant sur la GESTION DE CRISE
  • the list of the trainer (s) specialising in this topic
  • as well as examples of existing courses to give you an idea of what can be done at home!

Available in French and English depending on the trainer

À qui s’adresse ces formations sur-mesure sur

La gestion de crise


For all those in positions of authority who have or will have to manage a potential crisis. Business leaders, communications managers, customer service and complaint management managers, social network and web community managers, sales staff, etc.

Cette formation sur

La gestion de crise

peut-elle être adaptée à mon organisation ?

Yes, it is! This is the main goal of our tailor-made training courses. Below, you will find a list of existing courses that have been developed by our trainers on the subject.

The idea is to present you with an overview of what is feasible on this topic, so that you can determine your needs. In doing so, the chosen trainer will be able to prepare a tailor-made training course that perfectly meets your expectations.

Exemples de formations existantes sur

La gestion de crise

Quels formateurs offrent des formations sur

La gestion de crise

Bruno Guglielminetti

Bruno Guglielminetti is a specialist in all things digital. Social networks, podcasts, artificial intelligence, web communities and e-commerce hold no secrets for him. He has been studying them for over thirty years. He is regularly seen and heard on TV and radio. Previously, he was a producer at the SRC and a communications expert at National.

Bernard Motulsky

Bernard has over thirty years of experience in communications and public relations. He has held several positions, in particular with the Cossette Group, the Quebec government, the Montreal Stock Exchange and the Université de Montréal, where he was Director General of Communications until 2006. Whether it’s announcing an event, managing a crisis, responding to a journalist, getting the word out to employees, successfully running a fundraising campaign or achieving any other communications-related objective, the important thing is to deploy the right game plan. Don’t leave room for improvisation: get the message you want out and get the results you want.

David Heurtel

Prior to joining Fasken as counsel in the Environment, Energy and Climate Change Group, David served as Minister of Sustainable Development, Environment and Climate Change from 2014 to 2017, Minister of Immigration, Diversity and Inclusion from 2017 to 2018 in the Government of Quebec and President and CEO of the Montreal Olympic Park. Strategic communication is his strength and he will teach you how to communicate with your employees, your public, Governments and your investors, even in times of crisis.

Admissibilité à la loi 90

Oui, nous sommes accrédités et nos formations sont admissibles à la Loi 90 favorisant le développement et la renaissance des compétences de la main-d’oeuvre, communément appelée loi sur les compétences


À vous de choisir! Toutes nos formations sur-mesure peuvent être présentées en salle ou en ligne, en direct!

Durée des formations

De 2h à 2 jours, notre formateur s’adaptera à vos besoins.


Le coût d’une formation sur-mesure varie selon plusieurs critères, notamment la formation choisie et le formateur qui la présente, la durée, si celle-ci est présentée en ligne ou en salle, selon le lieu, selon le nombre de participants, etc. Le plus simple est de communiquer avec nous pour obtenir une offre de service.

Je suis intéressé par cette formation. SVP communiquer avec moi.