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Training courses on negotiation
Home / Trainings / Training courses on negotiation

In business, knowing how to negotiate is an undeniable asset, whether it is to close sales, develop partnerships, seek financing, etc. Negotiation is the basis of many of your business relationships and mastering the art will give you confidence.

On this page you will find :

  • tous les détails concernant nos formations sur-mesure portant sur la NÉGOCIATION
  • the list of the trainer (s) specialising in this topic
  • and examples of existing training courses to give you an idea of what can be done at home!

Available in French and English depending on the trainer

À qui s’adresse ces formations sur-mesure sur

La négociation


For all those who have to negotiate agreements of all kinds, both human and business. The negotiation of purchase or sales contracts, agreements with clients and partners, collective agreements, etc.

Cette formation sur

La négociation

peut-elle être adaptée à mon organisation ?

Yes, it is! This is the main goal of our tailor-made training courses. Below, you will find a list of existing courses that have been developed by our trainers on the subject.

The idea is to present you with an overview of what is feasible on this topic, so that you can determine your needs. In doing so, the chosen trainer will be able to prepare a tailor-made training course that perfectly meets your expectations.

Exemples de formations existantes sur

La négociation

Quels formateurs offrent des formations sur

La négociation

Sasha Ghavami

Sasha Ghavami is a prolific young lawyer. He is best known as the agent for Kansas City Chiefs player Laurent Duvernay-Tardif. As a certified NFH and CFL player agent, he manages the careers of dozens of professional football players. Sasha has negotiated million dollar contracts.

Guy Bourgeois

Guy Bourgeois is a key player in the world of conferences and training in Quebec. Owner of a major speakers’ agency and instigator of the Classe Affaires training program, he is himself an outstanding speaker. He has over four thousand conferences and training courses to his credit. He specializes in : Self-improvement, sales and leadership. Previously, Guy was co-owner of a food distribution company.

David Heurtel

Prior to joining Fasken’s Environment, Energy and Climate Change Group, David served as Minister of Sustainable Development, Environment and Climate Change from 2014 to 2017 and as Minister of Immigration, Diversity and Inclusion from 2017 to 2018 in the Government of Québec and as President and CEO of the Montréal Olympic Park. He has also been a member of the Board of Directors of the Quartier des spectacles and Chairman of the Board of Directors of Québec Cinéma, Vice-President of Socio-Economic Issues of the Board of Trade of East Montreal, Director of the Société des célébrations du 375e anniversaire de Montréal and member of the Comité de développement de l’Est de Montréal.

Admissibilité à la loi 90

Oui, nous sommes accrédités et nos formations sont admissibles à la Loi 90 favorisant le développement et la renaissance des compétences de la main-d’oeuvre, communément appelée loi sur les compétences


À vous de choisir! Toutes nos formations sur-mesure peuvent être présentées en salle ou en ligne, en direct!

Durée des formations

De 2h à 2 jours, notre formateur s’adaptera à vos besoins.


Le coût d’une formation sur-mesure varie selon plusieurs critères, notamment la formation choisie et le formateur qui la présente, la durée, si celle-ci est présentée en ligne ou en salle, selon le lieu, selon le nombre de participants, etc. Le plus simple est de communiquer avec nous pour obtenir une offre de service.

Je suis intéressé par cette formation. SVP communiquer avec moi.