Marie-Claude Barrette
speaker host, author and producer
Femme active et polyvalente, Marie-Claude Barrette, conférencière est impliquée dans plusieurs domaines notamment en tant qu’animatrice, auteure et productrice. Elle a travaillé dans le milieu culturel avant de se lancer dans le monde de la télévision en tant qu’animatrice. Durant cette période, elle anime plusieurs émissions dont Deux filles le matin et séries documentaires. Après deux années à la barre de l’émission Marie-Claude, elle crée sa propre boîte de production, Umano, où elle produit le Balado Ouvre ton jeu. Marie-Claude s’intéresse particulièrement à l’humain et cherche à améliorer la vie des gens dans tout ce qu’elle fait. C’est pourquoi elle s’implique dans la société notamment en tant qu’ambassadrice de la Fondation des Auberges du cœur et co-présidente de la campagne Bébés plantes.
Aujourd’hui, elle propose sa conférence Au rythme de la vie dans laquelle elle partage ses apprentissages de la vie!
Marie-Claude Barrette's lecture:
- Duration: 45 to 75 minutes + question period, flexible.
- Available in French only.
- A preparatory call is planned to adapt the content of the conference.
To the rhythm of life
In the year of her 50th birthday, Marie-Claude felt the need to take stock of her life. She did so by assigning a theme to each decade. This conference enables the audience to take a step back from their own lives.
With sincerity and a touch of humor, she tells her story: For a long time, I lived as if tomorrow didn't exist. I was always in search of freedom. One day, I realized that life imposes its own rhythm. You can decide not to follow it, or like me, you can choose to sail to the rhythm of the waves. There are stormy periods, periods of calm and moments of wonder. Sharing your life with another person, becoming a parent, illness, bereavement, work, the weight of responsibilities often take us off course from our aspirations. We make decisions not just for ourselves, but for those we love. How can we avoid losing ourselves and retain our own essence? Over the years, I've asked myself so many questions about the meaning of life. Now I want to share what I've learned.
Marie-Claude Barrette is also available for variousanimation mandates. Contact her to find out more!
Biography of Marie-Claude Barrette
hostcommitted woman, author, speaker and producer Marie-Claude Barrette is curious by nature, interested in everything, and the common thread running through her life is people. For her, there are no limits to human relationships.
That's probably why she became interested in politics at such an early age: she wanted to change things to improve people's lives.
The well-being of others is the driving force behind everything she does.
When asked where she comes from, it's very difficult to answer... she changed schools fourteen times, just in elementary school. This somewhat bohemian lifestyle has enabled her to discover Quebec and Quebecers. Throughout her twenty years in politics, Marie-Claude Barrette studied economics, but never worked in the field. Instead, she opted for the cultural milieu. She held the position of fundraising manager for the Musée du Bas-St-Laurent and general manager of the École de musique de Rivière-du-Loup. Returning to the Montreal area after living in the Bas-Saint-Laurent region for almost fourteen years, she reoriented her career. She was offered the chance to work in television, something she had never thought about before.
Marie-Claude's strength of character, authenticity and, above all, relevance have earned her a special place in the Quebec media world.
Après avoir été animatrice pendant 11 ans de l’émission Deux filles le matin et 2 ans à la barre de l’émission Marie-Claude elle a maintenant sa boîte de production Umano dont elle produit le Balado Ouvre ton jeu. Elle a aussi porté plusieurs séries documentaires : Simplement Vedette (Canal Vie), Virages (TVA), Cultes religieux : des enfants oubliés (Club Illico) et Projet Innocence Québec (Moi & cie).
In addition to host, Marie-Claude is also an author.
Son premier livre, La couveuse publié chez Libre Expression est sorti en 2014.
Son implication dans la société est primordiale, c’est pourquoi elle est ambassadrice de la Fondation des Auberges du cœur depuis déjà plusieurs années. Elle est aussi co-présidente de la campagne Bébés plantes, une collecte de fonds qui parcourt tout le Québec pour venir en aide aux prochains bébés prématurés afin qu’ils puissent grandir en santé.
A woman of heart and head, she goes for it and embraces everything that comes her way.
- Women's leadership
- Self-confidence
- Work-life balance
- Motivation, success and self-improvement
- Wireless headset (1st choice) or lapel microphone
- Lectern
Interviews with Marie-Claude Barrette :
INTERVIEW WITH MARIE-CLAUDE BARRETTE: Au rythme de la vie (September 29, 2023)