Start your 2018 year as a lion!

The lion is, according to what we learned at school and popular belief, the KING of animals. Yet he is neither the biggest, an elephant is much bigger, nor the strongest, a hippopotamus is much stronger than a lion. He is the KING because his presence and confidence make him dignified and powerful.

When you look at a lion, you will notice that it walks with its head held high and that its mane makes it imposing. He is also a fine strategist when it comes to attacking his prey. He will position himself so as not to frighten his prey, he will wait, be patient over and over again, and finally he will take action, attack his prey and win. Obviously, it is an animal and its priority is to feed.

Pourquoi utilise-t-on l’image du « lion » lorsqu’on veut donner du mordant à nos propos? À cause des caractéristiques que j’ai nommées précédemment.

Act like a lion

So in 2018, I suggest you adopt the lion attitude throughout the year.

1- Walk with your head up. Physically exuding confidence has a double effect. First, it gives the impression to those who are watching that we are confident. Secondly, it also gives us an inner energy that makes us more confident. So by walking with our heads up, we are always at an advantage.

2- Be strategic to achieve your goals. I mean setting specific goals, planning a process and an action plan to achieve them. If necessary, acquire the skills or surround yourself with competent people who will help you achieve your goals. A good strategy will always lead to success.

3- Take action. Confidence, strategy and patience are nothing without action. The lion will never succeed in feeding if it remains crouched in its corner waiting for its prey to pass by. In order to feed, the lion will sooner or later have to start running after its prey. Action, no matter what it is, is essential to the success you so desire.

4- Soyez patient et tenace. La réussite, en n’importe quoi, demande des efforts et du temps. Qui dit efforts, dit devoir apprendre, se tromper et recommencer. La réussite immédiate est due au hasard et ne dure jamais longtemps. Cultivez votre « sens de la ténacité ». C’est-à-dire, être confortable au fait de devoir recommencer encore et encore avant d’atteindre votre objectif. L’échec n’existe pas. Ce qu’on appelle « échec » est en fait, un processus d’apprentissage.

In summary, starting your year as a lion means having the wisdom to have and exude confidence, to have a clear strategy for achieving your goals, to take action and to be patient and tenacious.

Happy 2018!

By the way, I don't believe in astrology, but I am a Leo 😉

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  1. Julie Blanchard

    Thank you for this text! I had already read a similar version but it's always good to refresh your memory often!
    It is very timely today!
    Happy New Year! Health and prosperity in all projects!