A question of perspective!

speakersQuebec, Training, Motivation and Team Building - Formax - A question of perspective!

Do you know the Penrose Staircase? It's a magnificent optical illusion that gives the impression of climbing the stairs in a loop, and without end. Or have you ever been to the Monction Magnetic Hill? It really does look like you're going up, when in fact you're going down. All these phenomena exist because of the perspective from which we see them.

It's all a question of perspective, of how you see things or situations. Do you see the glass as half empty or half full? It depends, again, on the perspective with which you look at the glass.

A look at your life

It is the same with everything that you experience or that we anticipate. It's very personal, but I think we should always remember that WE DECIDE the perspective from which we see and view things. Depending on the person, one person's failures are another person's stepping stones, and the obstacles perceived by some turn into opportunities for others.

How do you look at your life? About yourself? Your career? Your achievements? Your problems? Your dreams? Do you see obstacles or opportunities? Do you believe in your dreams or do you think they are not for you?

Change your habits

It's all a question of habit. If you are used to putting on your trousers starting with the left leg, it will be very difficult to start with the right leg. However, it can be done if you have a strong will to change this habit (don't do it, it doesn't matter).

The same is true of our thoughts. In many cases, they are the result of our habits. Some people tend to see the glass as half full and others as half empty.

So you have to change your thinking habits. Your way of thinking and the dominant thoughts that you have have become, over time, habits that you need to change if you want to change the results that are manifesting in your life.

Some advice

Miracles don't exist and you will need some discipline to change your thinking, but it can be done (I know, I've done it).

  • Be aware that you control your thoughts, not the other way around.
  • Learn to identify the people or circumstances that generate negative thoughts in you. Avoid them!
  • Make a mental effort to quickly replace a negative thought with a positive one.
  • Lorsqu’une pensée négative se présente dans votre esprit, dites-vous quelque chose comme: « tasse-toi de là », « delete ».
  • Occupez votre esprit. La nature a horreur du vide. Chantez, lisez, faites de l’exercice, écoutez de la musique. Occupez votre esprit avec du « positif » et il n’y aura pas de place pour le « négatif ».
  • Create an environment that makes you positive rather than the other way around.
  • Get some rest. When you are tired, you are always more negative.

There are surely many other tips to help you change your perspective and habits of thinking. Yours are as good as mine. Put them into action now.

Life is too short to see it from a negative perspective.

Good success!

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