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Your vitality
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Your vitality

In the last few months, my wife and I have expanded our home. And, at the time of writing, I am looking at buying another business in addition to the one I already operate. Why, you may ask? That’s the question our relatives ask us every time we tell them we have another project. Why expand? Your house is already big enough and your children have left home. And now they say, why another business? Aren’t you busy enough as it is? Our answers are always the same: Why not? And: To have fun !

Author, speaker and friend Marc Fisher calls it “l’élan vital”.

It’s hard to explain. It’s something that happens inside us that makes us take action. Some will say it’s madness and others will question the relevance of these actions which, to them, seem pointless. I can’t explain it, but that’s how it is. I always want to surpass myself, to take action, to innovate. I’m not the only one. There are lots of people like that.

It’s surely this same “élan vital” that drives Uncle Jacques Villeneuve, even at his age, to continue snowmobile racing, or that drove Mylène Paquette to row across the Atlantic.

I don’t know about them (but I’m sure they feel the same satisfaction as I do), but I get a huge kick out of letting that inner drive guide me. If I hadn’t done it, I would probably be in the same place I was in 1988, just before I decided to sell my first company and start another.

You too have this same “inner drive”. It’s your “feeling”, your little voice, your guardian angel or whatever you want to call it, and if you don’t let your logic get in the way and decide to follow it, you’ll experience great moments of exhilaration.

Good success!

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