Being an entrepreneur!

speakersQuebec, Training, Motivation and Team Building - Formax - Be an entrepreneur!

At the beginning of the week, the show Dans l'œil du Dragon began. For a sixth season, five Quebec entrepreneurs, including our new speakerChristiane Germain, meet with future entrepreneurs who come to present their business projects to them, one after the other, in order to encourage them to invest as much money as possible.

The formula is certainly appealing! Whether it's for voyeurism or because you dream of going into business for yourself, seeing people take their courage in both hands and present themselves in front of the dragons and several hundred thousand viewers is certainly very inspiring. Even when they are quickly ejected.

Entrepreneurs are in fashion. I'm not saying this because I want it to be temporary, quite the opposite. On the contrary, as I am one myself, I want as many people as possible to be interested in this way of working.

There is an entrepreneurial boom these days, and that's good. Maybe in twenty years, we'll call these people boomer entrepreneurs. It reminds me of the 80's, when many Quebec companies, driven by the QSSP (Stock Savings Plan), became world giants. It was Quebec Inc.

It's kind of the same thing that's going on right now. The difference is that the fashion seems to be more for micro-businesses and self-employed people than for large companies. Whatever!

There is something exhilarating about being in business. It gives you immeasurable pleasure and can send you into the depths of your mind all in the same day.

BUT, being an entrepreneur is not exclusive to those in business. Athletes are. Artists are. Corporate executives are in it, and even salespeople (at least those who are paid on commission) are in it.

Basically, anyone can adopt an entrepreneurial attitude, both in their professional and personal life.

What does it take? My list will never be complete, but here are some qualities (and values) to develop if you want to adopt an entrepreneurial attitude.

An entrepreneurial attitude means: having self-confidence, being very creative, a go-getter, having the ability to adapt quickly, being visionary, a salesman, hard-working, autonomous, disciplined, having the ability to remotivate at lightning speed, knowing how to surround yourself with people, trusting people, having interpersonal skills, resilience as well as being in good health.

Think it's not for you? Or are you one and thinking of giving it all up? Think again, you are just going through a normal phase of entrepreneurship. The fear phase! The fear of missing out. We all go through it.

It's possible that you'll miss. At least this time. But if you do, just do it again and you'll always succeed.

Being an entrepreneur means: NEVER LET GO!

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