Jocelyne Cazin
speaker and journalist

Jocelyne Cazin was the first woman journalist to cover the news in Quebec, and has made her mark in the journalistic world. With eight years at the helm of J.E., including six with her colleague Gaétan Girouard, Jocelyne Cazin has seen the world from many angles.

The words passion and determination sum up Jocelyne Cazin's personality perfectly. Ms. Cazin offers different types of conferences and knows how to adapt to the needs of her clients.

Jocelyne Cazin's lectures:

  • Duration: approximately 60 minutes, adaptable.
  • Conferences available in French only.
  • A preparatory call is planned in order to select and adapt the content of the conference.

My pension? What pension?

There is an urgent need to modernise the definition of the word retirement: asylum, non-activity, cloister, etc . It is understandable that in the 21st century, I can be retired from my company without being in seclusion.

2020 was an extraordinary year to test our ability to adapt. Many seniors were unfortunately particularly affected by the coronavirus. Our governments had to build a plane in mid-air.

In short, the experience and expertise of our seniors should be at the heart of discussions and decisions. The average life span of Quebecers has increased by more than two and a half years over the past twenty years. So if we live longer, can we expect to live healthier, and therefore more active!

Retirement without withdrawal is her new definition of retirement. When she made the decision to leave T.V.A. Yes, she left to do something else and have fun while feeling useful.

Volunteering and succession, a must

Ms. Cazin truly believes that without volunteerism, a community is doomed to die.

"As a child, I had many dreams, including that of becoming a missionary. I did not accept the misery of the world. I was an only child, but the desire to give to others satisfied me more than keeping everything for myself. I realised that not everyone can become a volunteer. To want to volunteer, you first have to think about the reasons why you want to get involved in this or that cause.

Volunteering is also about helping the next generation to find their way.

One of Ms. Cazin's major concerns for several years has been succession. Where are they? Who is looking after them? No succession, no future. It is high time to get involved in our children's future.

Involvement involves EVERYONE: the corner shopkeeper or the entrepreneur who will eventually hire today's children. Even in volunteer work, Jocelyne Cazin firmly believes that we must prepare a new generation of volunteers capable of sharing and giving.

I dare to disturb, and you?

When someone says to me, "Mrs Cazin, I thought you were retired...", I reply with a smile, "Just because I'm retired doesn't mean I'm retired."

No more has-beens, no more nerds. There was a time, not so long ago, when a person retired, he or she was systematically considered outdated. Since then, the situation has changed...

For several years now, she has been trying to stir up the cage, as speaker, as host, as a volunteer. She has chosen to dare to continue to disturb in the notion of pleasure and no longer in the obligation to perform.

Through her testimony, she suggests that you dare to be and dare to do.

The sum of his actions proved to him that the game was worth the candle.

To dare to disturb by choosing your battles is to dare to aim for excellence.

Focus on accountability

Empowerment! An almost forgotten word that needs to be rediscovered urgently.

Every citizen has great advantages in being responsible, whatever his or her level of responsibility!

Responsibility is very topical and sometimes we wonder who is responsible when tragedies happen.

We don't want any culprits, we don't want anyone to be responsible.

Jocelyne Cazin acquired her sense of responsibility at a very young age from parents who were themselves very responsible, sometimes too much so!

One day, she had to tell herself that she was not born to dream her life, but to live her dreams. "Come on Jocelyne, roll up your sleeves! This is how she became a responsible person.

From responsibility to empowerment

The term responsibility has many faces: individual responsibility, collective responsibility, transparency, ethics, justice, governance. These key words have different meanings according to the morality of some and the conscience of others.

This is what she explains in her conference, which is a breath of fresh air, a small seed that brings people together, a small seed that gives people the desire to change the world a little. A small seed of self-confidence.

Passion and determination: the keys to my success

There are no better words than passion and determination to sum up her personality. To make it truly complete, she would add the words tiring, annoying, stubborn. Seriously, she was above all tenacious, a fighter. Today we say resilient.

She has also been called the pit bull of information. Because she has chosen not to be a victim and also because she considers herself privileged, it is all of this and everything she will tell you in her conference that have shaped the keys to her success.

I chose life!

Having experienced five suicides in her circle, including the well-publicised suicide of her colleague and friend Gaétan Girouard, Ms. Cazin has agreed to break the taboo in recent years.

To speak of suicide prevention is to speak of the immense unexpected grief. It means talking about this cruel pain: the pain that came through the other, the pain that was sometimes lurking around her.

Mrs Cazin finally opened her eyes and chose life.

Jocelyne Cazin is also available for variousanimation mandates. Contact us to find out more!

Biography of Jocelyne Cazin :

Jocelyne Cazin is the daughter of immigrants who made the crossing from France to Canada in 1952, when she was 18 months old.

As an adult, she dared to tell her parents how privileged she felt to be in America. This allowed her to have the best of both worlds: French culture and North American culture.


During her 10 years in radio, notably at CKAC-Télémédia, she became the first woman to cover the news in Montreal in 1979.

A hard and difficult environment, where we see the darkest aspects of our society, but which made Jocelyne grow and which allowed her a few years later to host the J.E. program on the T.V.A. network, notably with her colleague and friend Gaétan Girouard.

In 1985, Jocelyne received the Judith-Jasmin award for the best radio report on artificial insemination. This report was broadcast on the program Le Premier Jour hosted by journalist Michel Viens, on Sundays on C.K.A.C.-TÉLÉMÉDIA

His career path has been full of successes.


She was also the recipient of four Artis MétroStar trophies, as the best hostof public affairs programs. In the early 2000s, she was named one of the 100 women of influence in Quebec.

Jocelyne joined the TVA network in 1985, then became a parliamentary correspondent in Quebec City, covered the Calgary Olympic Games and was a reporter on the program Le Match de la Vie hosted by Claude Charron.

She became a news presenter in 1988.

It was a great privilege to be at the forefront of the news, to report with rigour and honesty. One of her highlights as a news anchor was the Oka crisis in 1990.

She later joined the Salut Bonjour team for four years.

Jocelyne hosted an investigative and public affairs program, J.E. and J.E. en direct, with Gaétan Girouard in 1993. This investigative program was very popular with the public at the time and less popular with fraudsters.

We have seen her expose the malfeasance of our society. Her experience as an investigative journalist has allowed her to see the world from its darkest angles.

Her colleague and friend Gaétan Girouard committed suicide in 1999. Even after his death, she continued to host J.E. until 2001.

From 2001 to 2005, Jocelyne hosted the public affairs program Dans la on TVA. A program where no question was too daring. This program, in the form of a panel, was broadcast from Monday to Thursday at noon.

In September 2005, Jocelyne joined the team at LCN canal nouvelles where she comments on current events on the LCN morning show. Having a strong or weak opinion on social phenomena was a daily challenge that Jocelyne met until 2008.

In June 2008, Jocelyne announced that she was leaving television. Since then, several opportunities have arisen for her. Conferences, animation, volunteering, sports pleasures: golf, swimming, tennis.

For several years, Jocelyne hosted the documentary series Tragédies on the Historia channel.

A series that brings to life the events that marked and affected Quebecers. We see the courage and human strength in the face of a tragic event. Without rewriting history, Tragédies has expressed it differently.

Jocelyne Cazin is frequently invited to speak at speaker. She is also asked to moderate debates, conferences and panels.


She has been a sponsor of the La Relève project at the Maison des jeunes Kekpart in Longueuil for more than eight years. Since 2007, this first training centre in the performing arts in Quebec has enabled dozens of young people to avoid dropping out of school or juvenile delinquency.

Jocelyne firmly believes that young people need more than ever to be motivated by a stimulating life project. She has often said to young people: Live your dreams rather than dream your life.

Another cause close to Jocelyne Cazin's heart is multiple sclerosis, a disease that affects more and more people in Canada, including about 20,000 in Quebec alone.

She has been a spokesperson for the Multiple Sclerosis Society of Canada Golf Marathon for several years and remains an MS Ambassador today.

She has four friends with multiple sclerosis. We don't give up. We don't know when, but we know that we will find the cure for this disease.


Jocelyne Cazin sums up her credo, forged over more than thirty-five years, that being a journalist means being a free spirit. It means being curious. It means being critical. It is with a critical eye that she reflects on her profession, which she has been looking at from the outside since 2008, yet which she has loved with great passion.

Tireless, rigorous, almost married to her profession, she has always worked hard. However, visibly fulfilled, she says she no longer feels like pretending. "The older you get, the more you have to be motivated by what comes from within.

A self-confessed epicurean, she loves cooking and combines it with her love of travel. Having visited more than thirty countries, she intends to continue on her path. Jocelyne shares her life experiences, whether as a woman of head or heart, she leaves no one indifferent.

Today, she no longer feels the obligation to perform, but accepts mandates for the sheer pleasure of it. Through her conferences, she communicates with intensity her passion for life and her profession, her adaptation to change, her happy and unhappy experiences.


In 2014 Jocelyne Cazin published her first book J'Ose déranger with Éditions Publistar. A book that is intended to be reflections based on her personal and professional experiences. With a wealth of experience, she gives conferences from which this book is inspired.

In J'Ose déranger, she tackles the themes of retirement, volunteering, succession, empowerment, old age, dropping out, bereavement and her difficult relationship with her mother with all the frankness and humanity we know, using relevant examples drawn from her own personal and professional experience.

In 2020, Jocelyne Cazin published her second book, Ma véritable identité , with Éditions Libre Expression. "If I can help women who, like me, have lived with a heavy heart all their lives, I will have done something useful in my small way.

On the eve of her seventieth birthday, journalist Jocelyne Cazin openly admits: "Life has been good to me, but I have not always been good to myself. In Ma véritable identité, she recalls with surprising sincerity the events and trials that have marked her life and on which she reflects in a touching way.

The story of this legendary communicator will provide insight into the reality of many women of her generation: a hard worker and feminist, she turned to female relationships out of spite when the two most important men in her life rejected her.

Her many abuses could have led her down chaotic paths, but her determination got the better of her. For the first time, she agrees to lift the veil on her astonishing, tumultuous, but very rich journey!


  • Passion and determination
  • Living together
  • Immigration
  • Accountability
  • Retirement
  • Suicide prevention
  • Volunteering
  • French language
  • Self-confidence
  • Women's place
  • Communications and media


  • Lapel microphone
  • Small table for notes and water bottles
  • MAC computer (Jocelyne brings her presentation on USB stick)
  • Projector & screen
  • Audio-video outputs (for video clips with sound)


Écoutez à nouveau l’interview de Jocelyne Cazin à l’émission de radio Parasol et Gobelets du 24 mai 2020, où elle discute de sa conférence sur le bénévolat.


speakersQuebec, Training, Motivation and Team Building - Formax - Jocelyne Cazin - speakerand journalist
speakersQuebec, Training, Motivation and Team Building - Formax - Jocelyne Cazin - speakerand journalist

Jocelyne Cazin in conference:

Watch the excerpt of Jocelyne Cazin's conference presented at our VITRINE OF speakers on June 1, 2022:

Extrait de la conférence « Ma retraite ? Quelle retraite ? »

Jocelyne Cazin parle de suicide :

Interview with Jocelyne Cazin: I choose life

Jocelyne Cazin parle de suicide.
Campagne Pour qu’enfin tombent les masques de Suicide Action Montréal.

What customers say:

Mme Cazin était particulièrement bien préparée pour sa présentation.  Elle nous avait contactés pour prendre de plus amples informations sur notre organisme et nos bénévoles, obtenir quelques photos qu’elle a intégrées à sa conférence, etc.
Mme Cazin est arrivée à l’heure prévue, avec tout son matériel.
Sa conférence a été fort appréciée par la cinquantaine de bénévoles présents sur place.  Ils ont pu en connaître davantage sur Mme Cazin et certains aspects moins connus de sa personnalité.  Elle a été généreuse de son temps et a autographié plusieurs livres.
Nous avons reçu plusieurs commentaires positifs de personnes qui ont assisté à cette activité qui a été à la hauteur de nos attentes.
Merci encore à Mme Cazin de sa présence et de son temps.

Carrefour d’entraide bénévole des Bois-Francs