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Fabien Major - conférencier

Fabien Major

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A regular commentator on economic news in the major national media, Fabien Major, speaker manages to simplify the complex principles of global finance. An experienced communicator, he… Read More »Fabien Major

Dominique Maltais - conférencière

Dominique Maltais

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Two-time Olympic medallist, bronze at Turin 2006 and silver at Sochi 2014, World Cup champion 2006-2011-2012-2013-2014, bronze medallist at the 2011 World Championships and runner-up… Read More »Dominique Maltais

Bernard Motulsky - portfolio

Bernard Motulsky

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Author of several works on communications, Bernard Motulsky is a speaker with over thirty years of experience in the field of communications and public relations. Currently the… Read More »Bernard Motulsky

John Parisella - conférencier

John Parisella

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John Parisella, speaker, is a well-known, beloved and respected figure in the Quebec world, having held a number of public positions over the course of… Read More »John Parisella