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speaker and political scientist

Rafael Jacob
Rafael Jacob

speaker and political scientist

Young and dynamic, Rafael Jacob, speaker combines his academic training and rich experience as a communicator to popularize the complexities of the American political scene and its implications not only for Americans, but for local people, workers and entrepreneurs.

Rafael Jacob’s lectures:

  • Duration: Approximately 60 minutes, adaptable.
  • Conferences available in French and English.
  • A preparatory call is planned to adapt the content of the conference.

  • The American elections of 2024

    Will Joe Biden and the Democrats maintain control of Congress and the White House? Will the upcoming U.S. elections mark a return to power for the Republican Party – and for Donald Trump? These questions will only grow in importance over the coming months. By popularizing the American electoral process, from the primaries to the general election, and analyzing the approaches, strategies and chances of victory of the two major parties, Rafael Jacob, speaker, prepares us for this confrontation on the horizon.

    Geopolitical crises: Implications for markets... and the world

    Russia’s invasion of Ukraine is giving rise to the most serious armed conflict in Europe, with the greatest risk of spillover since the end of the Second World War. The conflict between Israel and Hamas threatens to be the most serious to shake the Middle East in over 50 years. What can we expect from the United States and the West as a whole in this context? Are we entering a new era of international relations? What are the implications for markets, companies and investors? Faced with this multitude of questions that are currently shaking up our world, Rafael Jacob, speakerhelps us better grasp the different perspectives and possibilities at play.

    The American political scene and news

    How to understand American politics? This is a question on everyone’s lips at the moment. Whether it is to explain the workings of the political system of our neighbours to the south, to analyse the most recent legislative, regulatory, economic and social developments in the United States, or to dissect the American electoral landscape, Rafael Jacob , speaker, helps us to better understand what is happening on the other side of the 49th parallel.

    Investing and exporting to the US

    Even with the periodic occurrence of disputes, the United States remains by far our most important economic and trading partner. What areas of investment in the U.S. are attracting attention? What can we expect on the fiscal, monetary and trade front from the U.S. government? Whether you’re an entrepreneur, portfolio manager or private investor, Rafael Jacob helps you see past the daily headlines.

Biography of Rafael Jacob :

Rafael Jacob is a research associate at the Raoul-Dandurand Chair, where his work focuses on the study and analysis of American politics. He has a unique background in Canada. D. in political science from Temple University in Philadelphia, where he also taught. D. in political science from Temple University in Philadelphia, where he also taught, and several years of applied professional experience in the political field, including two private research firms, two Canadian federal government offices, and a U.S. federal senate office.

Now a daily columnist on RDI’s Mordus de politiques, he is regularly invited to analyse American news in the major Quebec media. Since 2012, he has given more than 3,000 interviews to various regional, national and international media on American politics.

He has also given several conferences to various stakeholders in the public and private sectors. Finally, he has published five books in the last five years, and is the only academic in Quebec to have written two best-sellers on American politics: Trump Revolution (2020) and America on the Brink (2021). He currently teaches at three universities.


  • American politics


  • Wireless headset (hands-free)
  • Small table or lectern (to hold notes and water bottle)
  • Laptop (he brings his PPT presentation on a USB key)
  • Projector and screen
  • Remote control


The news



Rafael Jacob

in conference

Watch the excerpt of Rafaël’s talk presented at our VITRINE OF speakerson June 6, 2019 at the Château Fontaine Vineyard in St-Hyacinte:

Interviews with

Rafael Jacob

HOW DOES IT WORK? – Discussion with Rafael Jacob at the time of COVID-19


Full interview on Profil de succès (Fall 2019)

PepTalk on the road with Rafael Jacob (November 2018). Rafael explains the impact of American politics on our everyday lives.

View all interviews with our speakers

What our customers say:

« Mr. Jacob’s presentation was very well received, and a favorite with many of our advisors. Only positive things to say! »

SFL Wealth Management

« Mr. Jacob’s presentation was undoubtedly one of the highlights of the day. »

Un grand merci à Rafael d’avoir accepté de donner une conférence pour nos employés lors de la rencontre réseau des employés des Fonds régionaux de solidarité.

Ils ont grandement apprécié tant le contenu que ses grands talents d’orateur et d’humoriste! Ce fut le dernier segment d’une journée remplie de conférences et présentations et je dois dire que la barre est haute pour l’année prochaine.

Fonds régionaux de solidarité FTQ


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