Isabelle Huot
speaker and Doctor of Nutrition
Isabelle Huot, speaker, is without a doubt THE best known nutrition doctor in Quebec. A regular columnist on the Salut Bonjour! show, she wants to raise awareness among the population about making the best food choices for their health.
Isabelle Huot's lectures:
- Duration: 60 minutes, adaptable.
- Conferences available in French only.
- A preparatory call with the speaker is planned to adapt the content of the conference.
Outsmarting food marketing
Groceries are an important part of our budget! Since many of us find it difficult to make healthy choices among the wide range of products on offer, Isabelle offers you..:
- the best tips for healthy, economical grocery shopping
- must-have foods to add to your basket
- tips on how to understand the new food labeling and avoid the pitfalls
In short, you'll become a consumer better equipped to make informed food choices.
L’alimentation : une alliée pour une meilleure santé mentale
Did you know that what you eat can influence not only your physical health, but also your mood, concentration, memory and even your mental health?
In this talk, Isabelle explains why certain ingredients have a beneficial impact on brain function.
Eat better to perform better, at all times -
Adapted to the issues and questions raised by the pandemic and containment
Do you have a busy schedule? Feeling tired and your immune system is weakened? Have the last few months put your eating habits to the test and are struggling to stay on track? Get back in touch with the basics of healthy eating with this practical conference: tips for acquiring and maintaining optimal energy levels on a daily basis, key foods for an active and efficient brain, practical and simple tools for eating healthy despite a busy schedule!
Isabelle Huot, from scientist to entrepreneur
Isabelle Huot, speaker, is known for her doctoral studies. Although she has been a university lecturer, it is not in the laboratory but in the media that she has left her mark. For 20 years she has been popularising her knowledge through radio, television and the written media.
In 2009, she turned to entrepreneurship and it is here that she experiences her greatest challenges. Founder and CEO of Kilo Solution, she now has 10 clinics, a line of ready-to-eat foods, snacks and kitchen tools available in 1000 outlets in Quebec. In this conference, Isabelle will talk about her journey, the difficulties she has encountered and the future she sees as great!
Health through winning nutrition!
Isabelle discusses the best health and nutrition tips in a nutshell. The links between a healthy and balanced diet and overall health are explained. Health made simple!
Eat better to perform better
Isabelle Huot, speaker, shares her tips for acquiring and maintaining an optimal energy level. Key foods for an active and efficient brain, as well as many tools for eating healthy despite a busy schedule.
Healthy grocery shopping
Simple, effective and concrete advice for making good choices when visiting supermarkets. As a bonus, learn how to demystify nutrition labels to make informed choices!
Eating well for women
Food for women's multiple needs and concerns; weight, work-life balance, premenstrual syndrome, menopause, and much more!
Wine and health: an agreement under the sign of moderation
Wine, in moderation, can be part of a healthy diet. Learn more about the links between health and wine: antioxidants and cardiovascular health, alcohol and weight, residual sugar, the real effects of sulphites and more! Cheers!
Motivation + nutrition: A guaranteed success!
Conference in duo with Isabelle Huot and Guy Bourgeois, co-authors of the three books Kilo Cardio
Duration: 90 minutes minimum
Following in the footsteps of their famous Kilo Cardio book series, Isabelle Huot, speaker and Guy Bourgeois, speaker join forces once again to bring you live advice and answers to all your questions, to help you achieve your fitness goals. A dynamic conference that won't leave you hungry for more.
How to make the right choices to lose weight without being hungry. My top 20 tips for healthy weight loss - by Isabelle Huot
- The Eat Plus concept for weight loss
- The little things that make a difference
- Foods that promote satiety
- Losing weight without depriving yourself of social events
- The must-haves of the pantry
- Etc.
My top 20 tips for motivating yourself to lose weight once and for all - by Guy Bourgeois
Are you ready? Or have you tried everything? Whatever the case, with his testimonial and motivational tips, you will finally succeed in reaching your healthy weight.
- Why is it so difficult for everyone to lose weight?
- How do you motivate yourself to do it?
- How do you destroy the excuses you have always had?
- The 20 points of the "Motivated Kilo" method
- How to get through the difficult times?
- How to maintain your weight and avoid the famous yo-yo?
Isabelle and Guy will adapt their advice to the specificities of your group, whether they are sedentary or active or even have an illness that requires a special diet.
Looking for a healthy menu for your team lunches?
The AvecPlaisirs Chefs Traiteurs line of meals by Isabelle Huot is an excellent option! Including six individual meals as well as a buffet for 10 people, Isabelle's lunch boxes are varied, colorful and tasty!
Order in advance or on the spot, online or by phone.
Discover the menu here : The AvecPlaisirs Chefs Traiteurs range of meals by Isabelle Huot
Biography of Isabelle Huot :
Isabelle Huot, conférencière, détient un doctorat en nutrition. Depuis plus de 25 ans, elle est chroniqueuse dans les médias écrits, radiophoniques et télévisuels. On peut notamment la lire dans le Journal de Montréal et de Québec tous les lundis, la voir régulièrement à l’émission Salut Bonjour et, depuis juin 2024, l’entendre à sa propre émission sur QUB Radio. Elle a rédigé 17 livres relatifs à l’alimentation, certains étant traduits dans plusieurs langues. En 2011, elle a fondé son entreprise de prêt-à-manger et sa gamme se décline maintenant en plusieurs options, du déjeuner au repas, en passant par les collations. Ses produits sont vendus sur sa boutique en ligne ainsi que dans des centaines de points de vente de la province, et même, ailleurs au Canada. Finalement, Isabelle est aussi fortement engagée socialement. Elle fut notamment présidente du Comité d’investissement communautaire Telus Montréal pendant 5 ans et donne de son temps auprès de plusieurs organismes communautaires dont les besoins sont criants.
- Nutrition
- Health
- Female support
- Motivation, success and self-improvement
- Entrepreneurship
- Wireless headset
- Small table (for notes and water bottle)
- Laptop computer
- Remote control
- Projector and screen
- (Isabelle brings her presentation on a USB stick)
Isabelle Huot in conference:
Visionnez l’extrait de conférence d’Isabelle « La santé par une alimentation gagnante » présentée pour les Brasseries Sleeman en novembre 2022 :
Watch the excerpt from Isabelle's talk presented at our VITRINE OF speakers on June 12, 2012 at the Gesù in Montreal:
Interviews with Isabelle Huot :
Entrevue avec Isabelle Huot : Le mois de la nutrition (mars 2024)
HOW IT IS - Discussion with Isabelle Huot at the time of COVID-19
Full interview with Isabelle Huot on the program PROFIL DE SUCCÈS (Fall 2018).
PepTalk on the road with... Isabelle Huot
What our customers say:
We loved speaker, Mrs Huot! She was so friendly, generous, flexible and approachable. She's articulate and dynamic. Our participants really liked her. The content of her talk was relevant and well-tailored to the needs and interests of seniors. Ms. Huot took the time to answer all questions in both French and English.
City of Dorval