Take off your chains!

speakersQuebec, Training, Motivation and Team Building - Formax - Take off your chains!

Depuis toujours, le mot « chaîne » a été associé à l’esclavage. Nous avons tous en tête des images d’esclaves enchaînés, amaigris, souvent fouettés, qui peinent à faire une tâche inhumaine. Heureusement, l’esclavage est presque révolu aujourd’hui.

Yet every day I see people wearing chains on them. Invisible chains, but chains nonetheless. These imaginary chains are the embodiment of many inner ills. They are chains of fear or shame; chains of doubt, of an unhappy childhood or of a setback. There are many forms of chains that people tolerate on themselves. Often, it is they themselves who chain themselves to them. These chains take on the themes of : I was born for a bun! I am always sick! I am not made for sales! I don't want this job because I don't want trouble! I am afraid to fly, etc.

Sometimes they are so used to being chained like this that they don't know they are. They are slowed down and hurt by these chains, but think that they are unlucky and that life has not been kind to them.

Like you, for a long time I wore such chains. They prevented me from developing fully. One day, by dint of blaming myself because things were not happening fast enough for my liking, I realised that it was myself who was chained with false beliefs.

So I took off my chains. Not without fear, because I had already tried to remove them in the past, but without success. So I tried and tried again. In time, I finally broke free, I began to dream again and my actions were no longer hindered by my imaginary chains. What a release!

If you wear such imaginary chains, I beg you, get rid of them at once. You will begin to live fully again.

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