What if you were to stand for election?

I don't know if you've heard about it (you never know), but we'll have to go and vote in a few weeks. In doing so, these days we see signs on poles, flyers in our mailboxes, newsletters telling us the day's highlights for each party, and maybe you'll be visited by one or more of the candidates in your riding at the door.

Peu importe le parti ou la région, les candidats veulent « se vendre » à vous pour que vous les élisiez. C’est normal. Que vous preniez pour un parti ou un autre, ou que vous alliez voter ou non, ce n’est pas le propos de mon texte. C’est plutôt le fait que les candidats doivent « se vendre » qui est le fil conducteur de mon article.

Everyone has to sell themselves. Whether it's to get elected, to get a job or to get employees, to get a loan or even to find your soul mate.

I have always said this. Everything is sales and sales is in everything! The advertisement you see on TV or Facebook, the interview given by the comedian on the radio, the policeman who tells you to drive slower next time, the doctor who suggests you lose weight to lower your blood pressure, and even you who tells your children to eat more vegetables; it's all selling. Selling ideas, people, behaviours and attitudes, etc.

Let's go back to my title. And if you were running for office, what would you do to sell yourself?

Here are some issues you should consider:

What qualities could you highlight? What experience do you have? What is your vision of what you want to bring to others? What are your human values? What arguments would you put forward? How would you appeal to the electorate? What strategies would you use to reach the most people? How much time would you invest to maximize your chances of being elected? What would people benefit from electing you? What will you promise them? What will you commit to? And so on.

Ça fait beaucoup de questions, je sais. Je sais aussi qu’il est fort probable que vous ne vous présentiez pas aux élections du 1er octobre, mais peu importe le domaine dans lequel vous oeuvrez, lorsque vous aurez à vous « vendre » ou « ‘vendre votre point de vue », vous aurez à vous poser les mêmes questions parce que vos interlocuteurs, eux, vont vous les poser.

Happy elections and happy sales!

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