Be kind! Why not?

A slice of life.

La semaine dernière, une de mes voisines nous dit: « Ah qu’on a donc des voisins gentils! » Elle parlait de ma femme et moi évidemment ;).  « On est chanceux, ils ne sont pas tous comme ça! » ajouta-elle.

Je lui ai répondu: « Si on veut avoir des voisins qui sont gentils, c’est facile, il faut être gentil avec eux! »

End of the slice of life.

I'm sure you know people with whom you connect a little less. Either they tell you about their problems that you have no interest in or they act in a way that puts you off. This is normal! We are all different and some of these differences can get on our nerves.

On the other hand, I think it is advantageous in every sense of the word to have good relationships with those around us. Whether it is with our neighbours, the garage owner, the butcher, the cashier and of course our family, good human relations are more than desirable. In my opinion, this is what allows us to live in a serene environment and to feel good with those we often come into contact with.

In this respect, it is worth making an effort to establish good human relations. This is what I do!

Simple things: I talk to them. I take an interest in them. I listen to them. I compliment them. I help them if I can. I smile and joke with them. I also empathise and ask about their life situation. In short, I really like them.

Admittedly, there is nothing complicated or new about this, but the fact remains that kindness will always have its place. Its beneficial effect works all the time and with everyone.

I know that you are thinking that there is no way that you can be nice to such and such a person who has already done this to you. You're angry with them and that's not going to change. Fine, it's your choice!

In case you change your mind, I challenge you to take the first step by starting to give that person you don't like a slight smile. You don't need to talk to them, just a slight smile will do. And in the hours or days that follow, watch the magic happen. I don't know how, but the situation will change for the better; I promise you that. You will discover the incredible power of good human relations.

Good news! We all have the power to influence people and when we build good relationships with them, we use that power to the full.

So why not use your power of influence now? You will come out a winner and your life will be better and much more enjoyable. Be nice to people and they will be nice to you.

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