L’automne, c’est plus que jamais le temps de se « rebooster ». Vous suivez actuellement un programme d’entrainement ou de perte de poids et vous trouvez ça difficile? Alors, voici quelques phrases pour vous motiver. Gardez-les en tête et répétez-les comme des mantras pour vous guider. Elles m’ont aidé à perdre 80 livres et elles m’aident encore à maintenir mon poids santé.
"If I can do it for one day, I can do it all year.
"I can do it. I believe I can. I can do it.
"I'm getting thinner by the second.
"Each time I breathe out, I eliminate my fat.
"Every drop of sweat brings me closer to my goal.
"I know that this time it's the right time.
"I'm going to prove to others and to myself that I can do it.
"I won't be tempted.
"I have total control over my appetite.
"I am the one who decides on my life. No more yo-yo dieting.
"I haven't lost any weight this week, but I know I've done the right thing and I'm confident.
"I love myself.
"I will make my children and/or relatives proud of me.
"I believe in myself. I know I will succeed.
"I start looking at myself naked in the mirror again, without embarrassment.
"My partner is impressed by my tenacity.
"I control my food compulsions.
"I feel more and more comfortable with my new lifestyle.
"My face is changing and I like it.
"I am proud of myself.
"I now enjoy training.
"I think I'm beautiful.
"I will never gain weight again.
"I have the smile that comes with the satisfaction of a job well done.
"My confidence is at its best.
"This is the greatest achievement of my life.
What are your own phrases?