Six tips to boost your income!

speakersQuebec, Training, Motivation and Team Building - Formax - Six tips to boost your income!

I know, like many people you would like to increase your income and earn more money. Why else would you buy lottery tickets?

I estimate (this is very personal and by no means scientific) that 25% of people want to make more money, increase their income and are ready to take concrete actions to achieve this. Whether it's by studying longer, working overtime, going into business or investing in real estate, it doesn't matter, all these actions are ultimately aimed at making more money. And for what purpose? To be able to enjoy it in any way possible and above all to buy peace of mind.

For the other 75%, they spend their lives doing everything they can to save as much money as possible so they don't run out. Whether it's accumulating it in RRSPs and/or watching for discount sales, the goal is the same: Not to run out!

Some people are not smarter than others (although many believe they are), it's just a way of seeing things.

If you fall into the first category, here are 6 tips to increase your income:

1- Decide how much you want to earn and how much you want to be worth.

It all starts with this decision. What is your goal? What exactly do you want? What do you want to do to get there? And when do you want to achieve it? Make those decisions, write them down, take action and watch it happen.

2- Think big.

Few people end up achieving more than they originally wanted. From the experience of a guy who achieved everything he wanted to (not without its pitfalls), I feel a little bad that I didn't aim even higher because in light of what I know now (that everything you want comes true), if I had aimed higher, I would have achieved more. Think big and aim high, you'll never regret it.

3- Make a plan to get there, work on it and don't follow it.

It's important to have a plan to achieve your goals, but in the end it's just to keep your banker happy and calm your mind. In reality, almost nothing will happen as you plan, but a plan is still necessary to get things started. For the rest, life will provide the right opportunities at the right times.

4- Make yourself known or make your product known to as many people as possible.

Utilisez tous les réseaux possibles (pas uniquement les sociaux) pour divulguer la « bonne nouvelle ». Le succès appartient à ceux qui sont les plus connus. Il y a des tonnes de produits révolutionnaires qui sèchent dans le sous-sol de leurs inventeurs parce qu’ils n’ont pas réussi à les mettre en marché. À titre d’exemple, demandez à Céline Dion ce que l’impact de ses apparitions à la télé ont changé dans sa carrière ou encore à quelqu’un qui est passé à La Voix ou à Tout le monde en parle. Tout change du jour au lendemain.

5- Innovate, invent, be the first.

Le mot « nouveau » est celui qui est le plus accrocheur dans l’esprit des gens. Écrivez « nouveau » dans une publicité quelconque et celle-ci sera plus vue et plus lue que les autres. Démarquez-vous par quelque chose qui innove et améliorez sans cesse votre offre.

6- Stop thinking about money!

Think all the time about how your work/product could best benefit those who pay you. Always remember that money is a consequence, not a cause. You will get all the money you want as long as your thoughts and actions are directed towards fulfilling or improving some need.

Would you like to know more? The Self-Employed Worker Academy can answer all your questions. All the details of the AWA programme right here.

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