Do you want to lose weight? Do you have a motive or an alibi?

speakersQuebec, Training, Motivation and Team Building - Formax - Want to lose weight? Do you have a motive or an alibi?

Do you remember the Colombo films? I'm sure you do. Whether you like the genre or not, I'm sure you remember the friendly, slightly messy detective who always ended up catching his culprits.

His successful method was quite simple. Fraternise with the suspect, make him talk as much as possible in order to find, in his words or actions, a possible "motive" for the murder. Colombo was so brilliant and perceptive at this little game of intellectual hide-and-seek that, from the very first meeting with him, doubts were already beginning to grow in the mind of the famous investigator.

Having identified the 'motive' for the murder, Colombo also had to invalidate the alibi of the suspect in question. The alibi is the reason, which the suspects invented, to divert the investigator's suspicions and demonstrate that they were not guilty.

Now back to YOU and your desire to train and lose weight. What is your motive? Is it powerful enough to motivate you to make the necessary efforts? Is your motive supported by a strong "intention to succeed" or is it just a vague wish? It is important to find the answers to these questions in order to identify your fitness motive(s). What are they? Write them down, post them and keep them in mind!

Now, what about your alibis for not going to training. Are they serious or are they just so you don't feel too guilty?

Only you have the answers to all these questions and unfortunately or fortunately for you, Colombo will not investigate your case.

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